The Complete Guide to Marketing for Accountants in 2024

Written by
Whitney H.

This is your complete guide to marketing for accountants and bookkeepers in 2024

Marketing for accountants is changing in 2024! There’s no way around it. And anyone who tells you differently just might have their head in the sand.

Google search is changing. It’s going to look like this…

marketing for accountants_google SGE

The way people find products & services is changing. TikTok anyone?

marketing for accountants guide_tiktok

And Google is prioritizing authentic content (like Reddit!) over everything else in an effort to combat AI.

However, there are fundamental pieces of digital marketing that aren’t going anywhere this year, and are equally as important for your business. Things like content marketing, SEO, and backlinks.

To make things easy for you, we’ve put together a step-by-step guide that you can use for marketing in your accounting or bookkeeping firm in 2024.

If you’re wanting to grow this year, following these seven accounting firm marketing steps are critical:

  1. Nail down your niche & messaging
  2. Find your target keywords
  3. Create a website that converts
  4. Implement an SEO strate
  5. Create your content strategy
  6. Create really good lead magnets
  7. Automate targeted lead funnels

And don’t skip any! Every step is important. Chances are that if you aren’t seeing results, there’s a step that you could be doing better.

Let’s dive into more details.

Your Accounting Firm Marketing Strategy

Step #1: Figure Out Your Target Audience & Offering

The first step to mastering your accounting firm marketing is to figure out who you are selling to and what you're selling. While this might sound like an easy & boring first step—it is the #1 downfall of accounting firms we've seen over the years. In fact, we'll go so far as to say the greatest challenge we’ve had working with clients are those that had no idea who they were targeting or what service they were selling. It's not enough to sell "accounting" to "businesses". You need to get specific. From our experience, the best way to narrow down your targeting is to drill down to an industry or location.

Here are a few good examples:

  • Location-Based: We provide bookkeeping services for all business owners in Raleigh, NC.
  • Location Based: We provide IRS resolution services for individuals in Los Angeles, CA.
  • Niche-Based: We provide bookkeeping, tax, & CFO services to construction companies.
  • Niche-Based: We provide bookkeeping, consulting, & payroll to winery owners.

If you're struggling to find a niche that you're passionate about, we strongly recommend targeting your local area & surrounding areas instead.

Local targeting sees much faster marketing success than national targeting.

Unfortunately, this isn't a step that someone else can do for you. You know your business the best. Think about who you enjoy working with and what you enjoy doing. Additionally, what are you good at?

We wrote an entire blog post about niching that you might find useful here.

Your Accounting Firm Marketing Strategy

Step #2: Find Your Target Keywords

Now that you know who you're targeting and what you're selling, it's time to find the keywords that potential clients are using to search for your services.

Start by brainstorming a list of keywords that you think people might use to find an accountant in your area or niche.

For example, if you target small businesses in Atlanta, Georgia, some relevant keywords might include:

  • "Small business accountant Atlanta"
  • "Bookkeeping services in Atlanta"
  • "Tax preparation Atlanta"
  • "CFO services Atlanta"

Once you have a list of keywords, use a keyword research tool like ​Google Keyword Planner​ or ​Ubersuggest​ (they are both free!) to get more information about each keyword, such as its search volume, competition, and suggested cost-per-click (CPC) for paid advertising.

Depending on search volume and competition, choose 1-2 keywords for every service you offer.

Now—the important part. You need to create a separate website page for each service you offer and want to rank for.

I.e. If you want to show up first on Google when people are searching "bookkeeper in Atlanta", you will need a designated page that focuses only on your bookkeeping services.

This will help improve your website's relevance for each keyword and make it easier for potential clients to find the information they're looking for.

Your Accounting Firm Marketing Strategy

Step #3: Create a Website That Converts

Does your accounting firm website still look like it was made in 1999? If so, you could be throwing away traffic that comes to your site.

Your website is your accounting firm's online storefront—it's important to make sure it's making a good impression.

After all, you don't need visitors to just find your website. You need them to be convinced to get in touch.

Here are a few tips for creating a website that converts:

  • Use benefit-driven messaging. Instead of just listing your services, tell potential clients how your services can benefit them. For example, instead of saying "Tax preparation," say "Tax preparation that will save you an average $3,000 each year".
  • Make your website easy to navigate and understand. Potential clients should be able to find the information they're looking for quickly and easily.
  • Include testimonials and case studies. This will help build trust and credibility with potential clients.
  • Provide useful information. Don't just focus on promoting your services. Provide valuable information that potential clients will find helpful, such as blog posts, articles, and infographics.

Remember, nobody cares what you do. They care what you can do for them!

Take some time today to review your website and make the necessary improvements.

If you’re interested in a free website review, we do it for you here at Markology as part of our initial free audit. All you have to do is book an introductory call so that we can get the data we need to perform the audit, and you’ll have it back to you in just a few days.

Get your free website review here.

Your Accounting Firm Marketing Strategy

Step #4: Implement Your SEO Strategy

When we say that this is the most important step, trust us. SEO is the best investment you can make for your accounting firm.

Once you show up at the top of Google, it’s essentially free traffic and leads for your business.

Here are a few things to do to help your rankings:

#1 On Page Optimization: Utilize the keywords you identified in step 2 to optimize your website’s content. Incorporate these keywords naturally into your website’s pages, including your service pages, blog posts, and other relevant content. Your website's title tags and meta descriptions are two of the first things that search engines will see when crawling your website. They are also displayed in search results, so they are important for both SEO and click-through rate (CTR) to your website.

  • Title Tags: Your title tags should be concise and descriptive, and they should accurately represent the content of your page. They should also include your target keyword, but don't keyword stuff them.
  • Meta Descriptions: Your meta descriptions are a brief overview of your page's content. They should be around 160 characters long, and be written in a way that is both informative and persuasive.

Ensure that each web page focuses on a specific keyword or keyphrase related to your accounting services. This helps search engines understand the content and rank it appropriately.

#2 High-Quality, Informative Content: Develop and publish high-quality content that addresses the questions and needs of your target audience. This content can take various forms, such as blog articles, guides, infographics, and videos. Consider creating informative resources on topics like tax planning, accounting best practices, or industry-specific insights. High-quality content not only attracts visitors but also establishes your expertise.

#3 Build High-Quality Backlinks: Building backlinks to your website from other high-authority websites is a huge factor in SEO. Backlinks are links from other websites to your website. They are like votes of confidence from other websites, and they can help your website rank higher in search results.

There are a number of ways to build backlinks to your website.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Guest blogging: Write guest blog posts for other websites in your industry.
  • Directory submissions: Submit your website to relevant directories.
  • Blog commenting: Commenting on relevant blogs and linking back to your website counts as a backlink!
  • Social media: Share your content on social media and encourage others to share it.
  • Broken link building: Find broken links on other websites and contact the webmaster to let them know.

#4 Google My Business (GMB) Optimization:

  • Set up and optimize your Google My Business listing. Ensure that all your business information, including your address, phone number, website URL, and business hours, is accurate and up-to-date.
  • Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on your GMB profile. Positive reviews can boost your local search visibility and credibility.
  • Use GMB posts to share updates, promotions, or relevant news about your accounting services.

#5 Citations and Directories: As a to-do, consider listing your accounting firm on relevant online directories and citation sites. These can include local business directories, industry-specific directories, and chambers of commerce websites.

Consistency is key when it comes to citations. Ensure that your business information, such as name, address, and phone number (NAP), is consistent across all directories. Inaccurate or inconsistent NAP information can negatively impact your local SEO.

SEO is an ongoing process, and it may take some time to see significant results.

However, the efforts you put into building a strong Google presence can lead to improved visibility and increased leads for your accounting firm.

Again, we provide a complimentary SEO audit for accounting firms and professional service businesses. You can check it out here.

Your Accounting Firm Marketing Strategy

Step #5: Create Your Content Strategy

Next, let's focus on your content strategy.

Content is king in the digital world, and it plays a crucial role in attracting and engaging potential clients.

And just because accounting material may be dry, doesn't mean your content has to be.

Here's how to craft a content strategy that people will actually want to read and watch:

  • Keyword Research: Begin by conducting thorough keyword research. You want to write about what people are searching for! Use SEO tools like ​Ubersuggest​ or ​AHREFS​ to identify relevant keywords and phrases that your target audience is actively searching for. These keywords will serve as the foundation for your content topics.I.e. If people are constantly Googling the question "Should my business be an LLC?" in your area, you want to be the company that answers it for them!
  • Develop a Content Calendar: Plan your content creation efforts ahead of time, incorporating the keywords you've identified. Consider what topics your target audience would find valuable, and create a schedule for publishing content around these keywords.
  • Embrace Video Content: Video is an incredibly powerful medium for SEO. Consider creating video content that not only engages your audience but also addresses their queries related to accounting, taxes, and financial planning. Use target keywords naturally within your video descriptions and titles. We strongly recommend a YouTube channel for all of our clients at Markology!
  • Consistency Matters: Regularly publish informative and engaging content on your website and social media platforms. Consistency is key in maintaining audience engagement and demonstrating your expertise.
  • Share Unique Expertise: This is important. Don't write templated information that someone can find on ChatGPT. Establish yourself as an industry authority by sharing your unique perspective & knowledge on topics through blog posts, webinars, podcasts, and videos. Position yourself as the go-to resource for accounting-related topics in your niche or local area.
  • Engage Actively: Encourage interaction with your content by responding to comments, answering questions, and actively participating in discussions on social media and your blog. Engaging with your audience fosters a sense of community and trust.

By crafting a content strategy that is both informative and optimized for SEO, you'll not only attract potential clients but also enhance your online visibility.

We wrote a full guide on creating a content strategy for accounting firms in 2024 that you can read here.

Your Accounting Firm Marketing Strategy

Step #6: Create An Irresistible Lead Magnet

The next step in your marketing journey is to create a lead magnet for your website. But first, what is a lead magnet?

Lead magnets are powerful tools to engage potential clients, build your email list, and nurture leads effectively.

Have you ever been to a website and taken a quiz? Downloaded an e-book? Or have you used a free calculator to determine your mortgage repayments?

These are all examples of lead magnets! You are essentially building something that is useful and valuable for your website visitors to use in exchange for their email addresses.

Here at Markology, we create a lot of lead magnets for our clients. You can find examples ​here​ and ​here​. Here are our tips for creating a successful lead magnet:

  • Don't create a guide: This one is pretty straightforward—don't create a guide or e-book. We know it's probably the easiest idea for a lead magnet, but they are often overdone now and rarely attract many clicks.
  • Consider a calculator or quiz: Rather than a typical guide or e-book, consider creating a quiz or calculator. People love to learn things about themselves (i.e. quizzes) and they also love to get free financial data (i.e. target profit planner).
  • Tailor it to a service: Make sure to tailor your lead magnet to a specific service or offering. For example, if you have a tax savings calculator, make sure to show it on your designated tax service landing page.
  • Solve Problems: Focus on addressing specific problems or challenges your potential clients are facing. What is something that clients ask you to help them with frequently?
  • High-Quality Design: Presentation matters! Invest in high-quality design and professional formatting for your lead magnets. A well-designed resource reflects positively on your brand.
  • Prominent Promotion: Feature your lead magnets prominently on your website, social media profiles, and email campaigns. Use engaging copy to encourage visitors to subscribe or sign up to access these valuable resources.

Lead magnets that truly resonate with your audience are not only helpful for your audience, but they are helpful for you.

In exchange for using the valuable tool, you now have their email address so that you can nurture them with even more valuable information.

Which leads us to the next step...

Your Accounting Firm Marketing Strategy

Step #7: Nurture Your Leads To a Sale

marketing for accountants strategy 2024

Finally, let’s talk about how to lead your website visitors to actually get in touch or book an introductory call.

It’s important to note that website visitors rarely convert on the very first visit!

In fact, research shows that someone needs to engage with a brand 7 times before they feel comfortable enough to engage.

And since we don't have time to interact with every single person who uses a calculator on our website, we employ automation tools to do it!

Automation and lead funnels can revolutionize your marketing efforts, and segmenting the content can take them to the next level.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Use an Email Automation Tool: Use an email automation tool like Mailchimp or Convertkit to schedule and deliver content aligned with your subscribers' interests. For example, if they used your tax savings calculator, create a few automated emails that will go out in 2-3 day intervals that offer even more valuable information about how they can save on taxes.
  • Segment Based on Interests: Use "tags" to segment your email list based on subscribers’ interests, including the trending topics they’ve shown interest in. Tailor your automated content to their preferences.
  • Introduce Yourself Further & Gain Trust: Lead funnels are not just about sending automated emails. They are about nurturing relationships with potential clients. Create copy that is personal, down-to-earth, and showcases what a working relationship with your company would be like. Share client testimonials, and ask if there are any problems you can solve.

Automation and lead funnels are critical for every business because they keep your accounting firm top-of-mind for potential clients.

With successful automated nurture campaigns, visitors will continue to be impressed by your knowledge and expertise long after they’ve left your website.

BONUS Steps to Improve Your Accounting Firm Marketing in 2024!

When done properly, the previous 7 steps are enough to grow your accounting firm by 2-3X this year. However, there are always additional tactics that you can implement to speed up lead generation.

As a bonus, let's explore three more powerful strategies to amplify your reach and engagement: Social Media, Content Outreach, and Paid Advertising.

Bonus Step #1: Social Media

When it comes to social media, there's no need to go all-out trying to create a viral TikTok video or chase after 100k Instagram followers as an accountant. However, if you're a client of ours, we will try to talk you into YouTube! 

However, a modest presence on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram might be all you need. It's a chance to connect with your audience and show off your know-how.

Our tip? Keep it simple and steady. Try posting 1-2 times a week. And make sure to put a little time and effort into your graphics and copy to make a good impression.

Bonus Step #2: Content Outreach

Content outreach is like making new friends in the digital world. It's the process of connecting with industry influencers, bloggers, and websites to share and promote your content.

Here's how to do it smartly:

  • Find “Influencers”: First, you'll want to find those awesome folks who already have a big following in your industry. To find them, you can use free websites like BuzzSumo or explore social media & podcast platforms themselves. Just search for keywords related to accounting, finance, or your specific niche, and you'll discover some potential influencers.
  • Guest Posting: Once you've spotted your folks, reach out to them and suggest collaborations or guest posting opportunities. Writing guest posts for their blogs or websites is a fantastic way to show off your expertise to a wider audience and even score some valuable backlinks to your site.
  • Build Relationships: Remember, content outreach is not a one-time thing. It's about building lasting relationships. So, keep in touch with these bloggers and podcasters. Share their content, comment on their posts, and engage genuinely. Who knows, these relationships might lead to exciting future collaborations.

Bonus Step #3: Paid Advertising

While we never recommend paid advertising as the sole tactic of your marketing (the $$$ will add up!), it's a great way to get immediate leads or spread brand awareness throughout the year.

Here's how to get started with paid advertising:

  • Google Ads: Consider running Google Ads campaigns to appear at the top of search results when potential clients search for accounting services in your area. Use strategic keywords and compelling ad copy.
  • Social Media Ads: Platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn offer powerful ad targeting options for a cheaper cost. Create visually appealing ads and target them to your ideal client demographics.
  • Remarketing: Implement remarketing campaigns to re-engage with visitors who have previously interacted with your website. This can be highly effective in converting leads!

By incorporating these extra strategies into your marketing efforts, you'll extend your reach, engage with a broader audience, and ultimately drive more traffic to your website.

Okay... we're done! We know it's a lot of information, so our recommendation is to get the basics right first: SEO, content, email automation.

And remember, consistency is key. Gary Vee recommends creating 80 content pieces a month to grow your brand!

While we don't think you need to go to this extreme, you do need to create, engage, and publish consistently to see results.

As always, if you need help, we're here!

At Markology, we help accounting firms grow their business by 2-3X within the first year and even accelerate enough growth to exit.

If you currently feel stuck with your accounting firm marketing or agency, you can book an introductory call with our team anytime.

Book Introductory Call

Until next time!

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