An Accountant’s Full Guide to Content Strategy in 2024

Written by
Whitney H

Here's our step-by-step guide to content strategy for accounting firms & bookkeepers in 2024.

If recent trends are anything to go by, content marketing isn’t going anywhere in 2024. 

Esteemed entrepreneur and marketer, Gary Vee still recommends publishing 100 pieces of content per day. 

Big brands like IBM publish content 4-5 times per day.

And small businesses are often told to aim for publishing 3-5 times per week

So, how as an accountant, can you create, produce, and publish content in order to keep up with the competition and rank ahead on Google? 

It all starts with a content strategy. 

As experienced content marketers for accountants, we’ve made a content strategy or two (hundred) in our day. 

In this blog, we’re walking you step-by-step through how to create a content strategy for accounting firms, complete with a few tutorials. 

Get your pens…err, Google Docs out—it’s time to write!

Step 1: Brainstorm Client Questions with These Tools to Create Meaningful Blogs

First things first, grab a notepad or open a document and start brainstorming. 

When it comes to sharing your knowledge, there’s no better place to start than with yourself.

What are the questions your clients often ask you? What are the real-world queries they need answers to?

You know your clients best, which is why your brain is a great place to start when forming your content strategy. 

These are the real-world questions you need to answer in your content.

Next, you can leverage a valuable tool called Answersocrates.

Here’s what we suggest: 

  1. Visit Answersocrates: Head over to this platform that compiles real questions asked by people across the internet. It's like having a treasure trove of client inquiries at your fingertips.
  2. Use AnswerThePublic: Additionally, try exploring AnswerThePublic, another fantastic resource that provides insights into questions people are asking online. It visualizes the queries in a user-friendly way, making it easy to spot relevant topics.
  3. Enter Relevant Keywords: With either of these tools, input keywords related to your accounting niche, services, or industry. For example, if you specialize in tax planning, start with keywords like "tax deductions," "tax-saving tips," or "IRS updates." This will narrow down the questions to those most relevant to your expertise.
  4. Browse Client Queries: Explore the questions generated by both tools. These are real-world queries that people are actively seeking answers to. Dive deep into the questions and consider which ones align with your areas of expertise and the services you offer.
  5. Compile Your List: As you browse, jot down or copy the questions that resonate with your expertise and services. These questions will serve as the foundation for your content topics. Don't worry if the list seems long; you'll narrow it down in the following steps.

By utilizing Answersocrates, you'll not only save time but also ensure your content directly addresses the questions and concerns of your target audience. 

This sets the stage for valuable and client-centric content creation.

TIP: If you’re stuck for content ideas, we recommend checking out other accounting firm’s blogs, popular publications (like CNBC or a relevant publisher in your niche), YouTube, or Google Trends to help you get started.

Step 2: Keyword Research with Ubersuggest

Now that you have a list of client questions, it's time to give those questions “SEO juice”. 

Why? We want anyone searching for an answer to this question on Google to find your blog or video first!

This step involves using a keyword research tool like AHREFS, Moz, or Ubersuggest (you get 3 free searches a day!) to uncover related keywords and phrases that people are actively searching for and match your content ideas. 

Here's how to do it:

  1. Open Ubersuggest: Go to Ubersuggest and enter one of the client questions you've collected, such as "tax deductions for small businesses."
  2. Explore Keyword Suggestions: Ubersuggest will provide you with a list of related keywords and phrases. For instance, you might see suggestions like "small business tax write-offs" or "tax deductions for self-employed individuals." These are goldmines for content ideas.
  3. Analyze Search Volume and Difficulty: Pay attention to two key factors—search volume (the number of searches) and difficulty (how competitive it is to rank for that keyword). Ideally, you want keywords with a decent search volume and manageable difficulty.
  4. Build Your Keyword List: Create a spreadsheet or document to compile the keywords you find. Include columns for search volume and difficulty. This will help you make informed decisions in the next step.

Step 3: Organize Your Keyword List

With your list of keywords in hand, it's time to get organized and formulate a strategy.

Here's how:

  1. Sort by Volume and Difficulty: In your spreadsheet, sort the keywords by search volume (high to low) and difficulty (low to high). This way, you'll see which keywords have the most potential for driving traffic while being attainable in terms of ranking.
  2. Highlight Top Candidates: Identify the top-performing keywords that strike a balance between search volume and difficulty. These will be your first go-to keywords for content creation.

By organizing your keyword list in this manner, you'll streamline the content planning process and prioritize topics that have the greatest potential to resonate with your audience.

Step 4: Choose Your Top 12 Topics

Now that you've narrowed down your keyword list, it's time to select the topics that will make it into your content calendar. 

Since we’re working with a quarterly calendar in this blog, we’re going to choose 12 topics—roughly one for every week. 

Here are a few tips: 

  • Focus on the Best Keywords: Refer to your sorted keyword list and select the first 12 keywords that align with your content goals. Consider topics like "Small Business Tax Deductions" or "Tax-Saving Strategies for Entrepreneurs." It takes time and work to get first page rankings, so don’t try and do too much too early.  
  • Balance Variety: Ensure variety among your chosen topics. Mix educational content with practical advice, and diversify your content types. For instance, choose topics that can be transformed into blog posts, infographics, videos, or podcasts.
  • Consider Seasonality: Depending on your accounting niche, consider any season-specific topics that may be relevant. For instance, tax season could inspire content on tax planning or filing tips.

By strategically choosing your top 12 topics, you'll ensure a well-rounded and engaging content calendar for the quarter.

Step 5: Diversify Content Types

When it comes to writing content, it’s important to make sure that you aren’t writing the same type of article over and over again. 

Yes, listicle blogs are popular… but making every single blog post you have into list form isn’t going to keep your readers’ attention for long.

In order to keep your content fresh and engaging, we recommend using a content bucket strategy to categorize your content into different themes or types. 

For example, you can have buckets like "How-To Guides," "Case Studies," "Expert Interviews," or "Industry Updates." 

Here are 19 examples that we regularly use with clients: 

accounting firm content strategy 2024

Additionally, make sure to mix it up! 

For each of your 12 topics, think about the best content type to deliver the message effectively. 

For instance, if you're covering "Tax-Saving Strategies," you might create a comprehensive guide for one content piece and a series of short video tips as another.

Diversifying your content types not only keeps your audience engaged but also caters to different learning preferences and consumption habits.

Just be sure to maintain consistency in your posting schedule and content quality. Whether it's a blog post, video, or infographic, ensure it aligns with your brand's voice and standards.

Step 6: Create a Quarterly Content Calendar

With your 12 topics in hand, it's time to build your content calendar. 

This step involves scheduling when you'll create drafts, publish content, and promote it. 

Here's how to structure your calendar:

  1. Draft Creation: Allocate specific weeks for creating drafts of your content pieces. For instance, Weeks 1-2 could be dedicated to researching and drafting content on "Small Business Tax Deductions."
  2. Publication Dates: Determine when each piece of content will be published. For example, you might plan to publish "Tax-Saving Strategies" in Week 5.
  3. Promotion Schedule: Don't forget to schedule when and how you'll promote your content. This might include sharing on social media, sending email newsletters, or collaborating with complementary companies. 

By creating a detailed content calendar, you'll ensure a steady stream of high-quality content throughout the quarter, keeping your audience engaged and informed.

If you have a team helping you, everyone should be able to refer back to the calendar to know exactly when each step of the content piece should be done in order to be published on time!

Step 7: Don't Forget Graphics

Finally, don’t forget that visual appeal is a crucial aspect of content. The more people engage with your content, the more Google will reward you.

Here's how to handle graphics:

  • Identify Visual Needs: Review your content topics and identify which pieces could benefit from visual elements. For instance, complex accounting concepts can be simplified with infographics, while client success stories can be enhanced with images.
  • Professional Design: Ensure that your visuals are professionally designed. If you have an in-house design team, collaborate with them to create eye-catching graphics. Alternatively, consider hiring a graphic designer who specializes in creating visuals for content, or ask your agency to cover this.
  • Consistent Branding: Maintain consistent branding across all your visuals. Use your brand colors, fonts, and logo to reinforce your firm's identity.
  • Accessibility: Keep accessibility in mind when creating visuals. Use alt text for images and ensure that charts and graphs are easy to understand, even for individuals with visual impairments.
  • High-Quality Images: If you include photographs or illustrations, use high-quality images. Blurry or pixelated visuals can detract from the professionalism of your content.
  • Charts and Graphs: When presenting data, opt for clear and easy-to-read charts and graphs. Label axes, provide context, and use colors effectively to convey information.
  • Interactive Content: Consider creating interactive content such as calculators, quizzes, or captivating infographics. These can engage your audience and provide a unique user experience.

Remember, in the digital age, content is not only about what you say but also how you present it. Striking visuals can leave a lasting impression and reinforce your expertise as a firm.

Final Tips For Your Accounting Firm Content Strategy

Now, this blog post is already quite long so we’ll try to condense our final thoughts into a few quick points. 

  • Consistency and frequency are both key. If you are trying to rank and grow your business nationally, you should aim to publish a blog and video at least once a week. At a minimum! Otherwise, it will take quite a long time to see results. 
  • Add your perspective. In 2024, everyone can grab a budget template off of ChatGPT. What they can’t get is a customized budget template, built by an accountant, along with valuable insights, tips, and a step-by-step walk through of how an experienced accountant would tackle it. Share your knowledge! Here’s a great example.
  • Embrace sharing. Finally, don’t hesitate to share your 'secrets.' Your competitors are unlikely to be avid readers of your blogs, and potential clients are eager to preview your expertise.

There you have it! 

Your step-by-step guide for creating a content strategy & content calendar for accounting firms in 2024. 

If you have any questions about content marketing, or want a team to take care of it all for you, we have a proven track record of achieving high quality leads for accountants and are always happy to help. 

Simply pop over to our Getting Started page and book a free call. 

Stay tuned for next week’s blog on how-to write a best practice blog post. 

Until next time!

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